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Why don't you take insurance?

We do not accept insurance because we can not deliver our standard of care when a third party is involved, telling us what we can and cannot do for our practice members. Insurance companies are not focused on preventative or wellness care, but instead were designed for short-term, quick treatments. We are committed to a vitalistic model that addresses the underlying causes of your symptoms through gentle and specific nervous system focused chiropractic care.

By not having to deal with insurance, we are able to keep office costs down, allowing us to offer affordable care for the whole family. Our wellness and family plans are often times lower than most co-pays.  We choose to allow each practice member to choose what is best for themselves, and their families. We work for YOU, not a premium!

Between visits, what can I do at home to help the healing process?

The first step is to reduce the three T’s of stress that we talk about on your first two days in our office, Toxins (chemical stress), Traumas (physical stress), and Thoughts (emotional stress). While we are working on teaching your nervous system to become more adaptable to the stressors in your life in our office, reducing external factors that you know are adding more stress to your system will only aid in your healing potential. Chiropractic is not a one-and-done deal, but rather an essential component on your path to healing. Healing takes time.

When is the best time to get additional family members checked (scanned) or added to my chiropractic wellness plan?

We want the best for your entire family too! As soon as you are ready, so are we. You’re never too young or too old for chiropractic in our office.

How can Chiropractic help kiddos that “don’t have any problems?"

Getting your child checked by a pediatric chiropractor regularly from birth ensures their neuro-spinal system is clear and connected so they can better adapt to life stressors and develop optimally. Although they may not be showing symptoms of stress right now, chiropractic from the start will ensure that when those stressors arise, their bodies and brains will adapt and adjust more easily for a happy and healthy childhood.

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